Anyway, I struggle with my blog specially. The day I created it, I was lost. Two of my posts disappeared in thin air. I did post them. But I don't know what happened then.
Soon, I joined blogging communities and randomnly wrote my blog's link here and there in some threads. Some God sent angels started seeing my blog and commenting. Soon, I actually had a regular bunch of people who "followed" my blog.
Amongst them, is a guy called Peter. Not as hot as Peter Andre, but still, a very much decent substitute. From him, I learnt:
1) That the blog's dress is called a "template" (wow, that word makes me sound so intellectual)
2) That you need to add "gadgets" to make your blog look nicer.
3) That he's too sweet to allow me to copy all his "gadgets".
4) That I needed to change my 1 year old "template". It was brutually stripped off and the i-phone template was thrown in.
5) Never, ever, put a pink "template". Sigh. I still miss it.
6) How to add pics in a blog.
Also, an added bonus for adding him on gtalk. I got:
1) Jal songs
2) Movie reviews
3) Got to hear about some adventurous instincts of guys.
4) Will get help if I need to patao some guy in the future.
5) Company even at 1:31 in the morning when you have your projects smirking at you and the ants running aimlessly on your table.
6) Maybe a new client if he needs to patao some girl.
7) Get to hear about some weird things about cloning and test tube babies which I pretend to understand.
All in all.....
My first award...which goes to Peter (who must be either yawning, since he has already got so many awards or smirking that he has phasaved another stupid blogger into giving him an award)
That is cute ! Hail Peter !!
not as hot as Peter Andre ??
and I was knwing that u suck in computers but then this much !!
I wasn't aware of he he he :D
well thnkuzz for the award and um neither yawning nor smirking ..!!
I have posted the pic in my blog !!
thnks a lot !
//"I suck, with a capital S at all this computer related stuff. Yes, it's hard to believe that, since I'm always hooked onto the computer. I guess I never bothered to learn also." too me too!!!
I like when people admit that they know less of computers..! :-)
But I know many things..!
@peter :-)
@trinaa haha..glad to know i hv company ;-)
@abhinav. yeah fine.gloat more. :-|
# mads
;-) I will teach you some basics... Don't fear when I am here!
Without wasting a second after you blogrolled me I hv blogrolled you and you can expect 100000000000 zimbabwean currency.. please don't hesitate to expect it..! :)
oh oh honoured i am... :-)
@alex..dont worry..ur getting an award too..soon..i just need to learn from peter where to find a nice one :D :D :D
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